Safety Policy Statement

Hoover Mechanical Plumbing & Heating Ltd. is fully committed to the prevention of accidents and incidents in the workplace. Our philosophy is that all accidents can be prevented by thorough safety training, safety planning, monitoring, education enforcement and due diligence.
This policy has been developed to provide a guideline for ensuring and maintaining a safe work environment. Job safety is of the highest importance on our sites and is imperative that all employees and subcontractors adhere to the guidelines set out in this policy. It is also of vital importance that any infractions to our safety guidelines be reported immediately to a supervisor in order that appropriate action may be taken.
Job Site Management and Safety Representatives are authorized to strictly implement this policy.
Objectives of Hoover Mechanical’s Safety Program are as follows:
- Prevent injuries to employees, subcontractors and all other trades people on site.
- Developing and enforcing health and safety rules and applicable legislation.
- Compliance with all Government regulated rules. (OHSA & WCB)
- Compliance with individual site specific rules .
- Maintain low WCB premiums.
- Training all workers (management, supervisors, workers etc.) in good health and safety practices including site specific training and safe operation of vehicles.
- Workers are responsible for whole hearted, genuine cooperation with all aspects ofthe health and safety programs, including compliance with all rules and regulations, and for continually practicing health and safety while performing their duties.
Hoover Mechanical has been able to maintain an excellent rating for job injuries to date, we trust that all employees and subcontractors to support this program so that we may continue to provide a safe workplace for years to come.
Rick Bergshoeff & Steve Dunn, Company Directors
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